Product Packaging Specialty Finishing – Tactile Varnish

Tactile varnish not only gives your product packaging a sleek visual aesthetic but also provides a dimensional aspect. This specialty finishing technique consists of applying a thick layer of varnish over images or text you want to highlight on your product packaging.

Some Benefits of Tactile Varnish on Product Packaging

Heightened Sensory Experience

This thick layer of varnish accentuates specific areas of your product label. Essentially, this specialty finishing method allows you to guide customers’ eyes precisely where you want them to look. And when running their fingers over the product label, they are treated with the sensory experience of texture.

Enhanced Brand Perception

Tactile varnish tends to conjure a sense of luxury, adding further value to the product behind the label. Perception is a key factor in marketing; therefore, tactile varnish and other specialty finishes can potentially enable brands to sell their products at higher prices.

tactile varnish product packaging

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